We were moving forward but were disappointed that the sea was still so slow. The conditions had not improved much and by 5:30 we had only reached Drum Head so decided that we would go there for the night. We had set our course for closer inshore but the waters along the shore are shallow which continued an effect on them in terms of increasing their heaviness. I had mentioned earlier that I had made a mistake by using the Canso Strait chart for setting our course around Cape Canso. The captain had given me the task of charting our course to the plotter. (I bet he’s sorry for that now!) We usually discuss this process the evening before, pull out the paper chart, review everything on the big scale and then set out our way points on the electronics for the next sail course. When I examined the next chart to plot the next course it was at this point that I realized I had used the incorrect chart to head us around Cape Canso in the shipping lane. Had I been using this next chart I would have noticed the more detailed information outlining the inner passage through the islands inshore that would have eliminated that long rough shipping lane route that I had taken us through around Cape Canso. It is no wonder the captain of the Australian Spirit so politely called to tell us to get outta the way, that he was coming through. I am sure by that time he realized we were nuts to be taking that outer shipping lane passage - especially on the cusp of that horrible hurricane. I finally realized we were nuts for doing it so why wouldn’t he?
Anyway on Day 49, as we pulled into Drum Head harbour at 5.30 pm to get off the water again, we had no idea that we were in for another adventure within another few minutes of our arrival in the port.
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